
Johnstown Jewish Community Cemetery and Burial Information:

Primary Funeral Home used by Jewish Johnstown: John Henderson Co., 215 Central Ave., Johnstown, PA 15902, Phone (814)536-4602. Source of the information below is Beth Sholom Congregation, 700 Indiana Street, Johnstown, PA 15905 phone: (814)536-0647. The cemeteries are operated by the Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association (JCBA) in cooperation with United Jewish Federation (UJF) of Johnstown and Beth Sholom Congregation. 


Ahavath Achim CemetAhavathChimCemeteryery: (Orthodox) Geistown. Established in 1923. All grave numbers and rows are shown on the grave plan on file in the office of Beth Sholom Congregation and with the Jewish Cemetery Burial Association (JCBA). Who may be buried: “Any person of the Jewish faith”. The cemetery is active, and graves are available. Graves will be provided to the Jewish indigent based on JCBA indigent burial guidelines. 

(Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association of Greater Pittsburgh Website: (https://jcbapgh.org/)


Grandview Cemetery: Grandview Cemetery has four sections set aside for Jewish burial: the two Reform areas are Beth Zion #1 and #2 (see below for rules and by-laws), Israel Isaiah (see below for by-laws), and the original Hebrew Burial Association (dating from 1888. Who may be buried: “Any person of the mosaic faith”). All sections are still active, and graves are available.


Beth Zion/Beth Sholom Sections of Grandview Cemetery:  Edgewood 5; Section 1 adjoins the Israel Isaiah Cemetery section. This ground is owned directly by those who have purchased these Section 1 plots from Grandview directly. Section 2, in Cambria 4, lies several hundred yards east, near the "Temple of Love" monument. The Grandview Cemetery Association for Beth Zion/Beth Sholom Congregational use holds the first section for congregation members, which adjoins the Israel Isaiah burial area in reserve. Grandview sells gravesites in this section directly to the member. Johnstown Cemetery Burial Association manages the Section #2 near the "Temple of Love" monument. 

No non-Jewish services, symbols, ground surface plaques, statues, mausoleums, or monuments may be used in these sections at any time before, during, or after interment.* Gravestones or markers must be installed with the front of the stone being at the head of the grave.**

Sketches of all graves listed for both sections #1 and #2 of Beth Zion-Beth Sholom Cemeteries are on file in the office of Beth Sholom Congregation. Plot maps are held by the Jewish Cemetery Burial Association (JCBA) and the JCBA works in cooperation with Grandview Cemetery. 

The primary stone for all graves at Grandview are subject to size, and placed at the discretion of Grandview.


Israel Isaiah Beneficial Society: Edgewood 5 in Grandview. Established in 1916. Who may be buried: “Any person of the Jewish faith and/or non–Jewish spouse with services by Jewish clergy or Jewish layman.” Males are always on the left of females (looking from inside cemetery road.) Explanation: Plots are listed from #1 to #126. Grave sites in plots are under Grandview's old system that does not always follow numbers consecutively. Reference to map will show that member and spouse are not separated. Entitled ground to children only. See Community Chart/Jewish Cemetery Burial Association (JCBA) for special notes.


Rodef Sholom Cemetery: (Conservative): Geistown. Who may be buried: “Any person of the Jewish faith”. Land purchased in 1900. The cemetery is active, and graves are available. Map on file.


*This particular paragraph of rules is for all six parcels with the Johnstown Jewish cemeteries.

**Cremated remains are accepted at all (6) six cemeteries. 

For more information about Jewish Cemetery and Burial Association (JCBA) please refer to their website: https://jcbapgh.org/

Contact Information:
Beth Sholom Congregation
700 Indiana Street
Johnstown, PA 15905
Phone:  (814)536-0647
Irvin Brandwein, Rabbi
Tammy Fiffick, Secretary
Service Times:
Fridays:        7:30 p.m.
Saturdays:    9:30 a.m.
Secretary Office Hours:
Tuesdays & Thursdays:   8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wednesdays & Fridays:  12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
Rabbi's Office Hours:
(*To meet with the Rabbi please schedule an appointment)