*ALL Friday night services will be held via Zoom and we will not be holding Saturday morning services until further notice.
We apologize any inconvenience they may cause and greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any further questions please contact the synagogue office at 814/536-0647. Thank you!
Congregational Office will be CLOSED:
September 02 Labor Day October 03 Rosh Hashanah 11 Yom Kippur 18 Sukkot 24 Shemini Atzeret 25 Simchat Torah
Please join us for a "Victims' Remembrance/Memorial Observance" to be held at our synagogue: Beth Sholom Congregation on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. We will honor victims of hatred, including the six million murdered in the Holocaust, victims of October 7th, October 27th and September 11, 2001, as well as those who continue to suffer from violent expressions.
This interfaith service is a part of a regional project called "Hope Springs Eternal: The Holocaust Project." It is a creative and meaningful community collaboration providing education on the Holocaust. Four major project partners include Vision Together 2025, The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, Pennsylvania Rural Arts Alliance, and the Arts Coalition of the Alleghenies. The aim of the project is to help people learn about a tragic time in world history and to recognize and commemorate the strength and resilience of humanity. To learn more about Hope Springs Eternal please visit HopeSpringsEternalProject.com.
Please R.S.V.P. by email or telephone no later than Friday, August 30, 2024, with your name and number attending.
We are proud to be part of Hope Springs Eternal: the Holocaust Project, a collaboration between local organizations aiming to bring unique education and awareness about the Holocaust to Cambria County and the surrounding areas. The project is a combined effort of organizations across the region, all of whom are hosting a variety of events, performances, and showcases to promote Holocaust education. Visit the Project’s website to learn more: HopeSpringsEternalProject.com.
Tashlich Ceremony ~ Thursday, October 3rd
Our Tashlich Ceremony will take place this year immediately following our services on Thursday, October 3rd at the Community Arts Center.
Beth Sholom Congregation Invites you to Break the Fast
Saturday, October 12, 2024
*Immediately following Yom Kippur Services
Everyone is invited to join us!
Please call the office 814/536-0647 to make your reservation.
Reservations must be made by Friday, September 20th
Sukkot Festival with Shabbat Services
Friday, October 18th at 7:30 p.m.
Shemini Atzeret Service with Yizkor
Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:30 P.M.
Simchat Torah Service
Thursday, October 24th at 7:30 P.M.